Midnight Milk is the best selling photobook at Tronsmo in 2015

Midnight Milk is the most sold photobook in 2015 by Tronsmo book store. My publisher Journal Forlag is well represented with Norwegian Journal of Photography#1 and #2, Nina Strand/Dr. Strand and Terje Abusdal/ Radius 500 metres. My work At night Everyone is alone can be seen in Norwegian Journal of Photography#1.

1) Midnight Milk, Marie Sjøvold

2)Norwegian Journal of Photography #2, Red: Flemming, Rasmussen, Eraker & Matsen

3)Dr. Strand, Nina Strand

4)Wilse: mitt Norge, Red: Bjorli et al.

5)Hold Still - a Memoir with Photographs, Sally Mann

6)The Decisive Moment, Henri Cartier-Bresson

7)Radius 500 metres, Terje Abusdal

8)Genesis, Sebastiao Salgado

9)Norwegian Journal of Photography nr 1, Red:Flemming, Rasmussen, Eraker & Matsen

10) A Moveable Beast, Helge Skodvin